ALL parents are automatically members of the PTA and are welcome to join any of the meetings and fund raising events. Meetings are very informal and usually accompanied by refreshments. The PTA is purely a fund raising committee, there to raise money and then spend it on extra items to enhance our children’s school experience.
The PTA plan and run many key events in the school calendar including the Christmas Fayre, Easter Concert, the ‘Culmstock Duck Race’ and refreshments for school events. The PTA donations have enhanced and enriched the quality of the learning in school, paid for transport and off-site visits.
If you are new to the area, or the school it is a fantastic way to get to know new people. If there are things you would like to see happen or equipment you’d like to get- come onboard and make it happen!
Over the years the PTA have paid for:
PA system, contributed to the costs of residential visits, extra special resources to enhance learning, play time equipment, specialist visitors.
We look forward to seeing you at our meetings.